The web site of Alex & Helen

Hi! Welcome to my totally awesosme blog!

Hi! Welcome to the website! I love to post fun games and other cool suff I like on here!

Hi hi! Take a look around and have fun, I hope after poking around in here we can get to know a bit more about eachother :)

I usually like to post on my blog, but sometimes I put new games up too, so keep an eye out!


Meeting People is Hard.

Hey! This game is fun! It's funny because they're kind of like me! We're friends now so that's rad, why don't you go meet my friend! Click HERE to play.

Squirrel in my Brain!

Sometimes I can hear this squirrel running around scratching the inside of my brain, maybe he's friendly? Click HERE to play.


Hey guys this is my blog, I love writing stuff on here and maybe one day I will get famous or something for it. Anyway, this is my space and you are welcome to look around unless you are my parents and in that case GET LOST!! >:(

Wednesday, Feb. 6

Today I went to school and it sucked. Man, I hate it they give me so much homework and I never have time to kick it with my friends. Sometimes I think they want us to suffer... school's a bummer but I think everyone agrees, if you don't agree then you can go shove it. After school I decided not to do my homework because I have to babysit. When I got to the house all the kids wanted to do was run around but I wasn't in the mood so I just sat on the swings and watched. When we went back inside we ordered pizza from Pizza Hut. They have this new thing called the 'Natural Pizza' but it sounds nasty. Thankfully it's only sold in very specific places that isn't here. The kids wanted to watch some cartoon while we ate but I wanted to watch the new episode of Psych. The episode that just came out is called Dis-Lodged and I can't wait to watch it, it's been out for like ages now and I can't believe I have to wait two more days to watch it.